Boy Scouts of America Troop 198

The Boy Scouts of America were incorporated in 1910 to provide boys and young adults an effective educational program designed to build desirable qualities of character, citizenship and personal fitness. Since the mid-1950′s, St. Andrew has worked with Scouting to provide a year-round program that has helped strengthen families and the community.
Link to Cub Scout Pack website
Link to Boy Scout Troop Photos & Calendar
Boy Scouting is available to boys who have earned the Arrow of Light Award or have completed the fifth grade, or who are 11 through 17 years old. The program achieves the BSA’s objectives of developing character, citizenship, and personal fitness qualities among youth by focusing on a vigorous program of outdoor activities. Troop 198 remains the core of the Scouting program at St. Andrew, serving boys 11-18 years old. Scouting at St. Andrew also encompasses Venture Post 198 (co-ed, 14-21 years old). Troop 198 is a Quality Unit offering a year round outdoor program.

Highlights include 2 weeks summer camping at Camp Makajawan. Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Scout Reservation has been owned and operated by the Northeast Illinois Council, B.S.A. since 1929. It consists of 1,560 acres, located 25 miles northeast of Antigo, Wisconsin. Summer camp always includes rafting on the Wolf River and a High Adventure trip spent in the Porcupine Mountains of the Michigan upper peninsula. A bi-annual “Big Adventure” has seen the scouts spend March 2002 near Orlando, Florida, visiting Universal Studios, Clearwater Beach, Cape Canaveral, Silver Springs, and Gatorland theme parks. March, 2000 had Troop 198 spend spring break camping on the Gulf of Mexico at Gulf Islands National Seashore near Pensacola, Florida. After 4 days on the north side of the Gulf, the troop motored to Orlando for visits to Cape Canaveral and the Islands of Adventure Theme park. March, 1998 had Troop 198 at Padre Island National Seashore, Corpus Christi, Texas for a week camping on the West side of the Gulf of Mexico. Yearly activities always include rock climbing near Starved Rock State Park, Bald Eagle watching near the Mississippi River and winter cabin campouts. Closer to home, scouts help support the Troop with the Annual Christmas trees sales and the famous Mundelein garage sale every June.
For more information about Boy Scout Troop 198, contact Scoutmaster Dave Bruecks at 847-566-4735, or email him: