Plan your visit to St Andrew
Thank you for considering to come and visit us at St Andrew. This page should give you everything you need to know to help you plan for your first visit. And we also offer a buddy service where you can contact us and someone will meet you before service to help you orient yourself to make sure your visit is the best experience it could be.

Getting here and parking
St Andrew is located in the heart of Mundelein, at the intersection of Courtland Avenue with Lake Street (Route 45).
There is parking available from Lake Street entrance, but the main parking is to the West of the building just off Courtland; this parking lot is much easier to access and exit with less traffic than on 45.

Entering the building
We have an ADA accessible entrance door, just push the button by the flower bed to the right of the entrance and the power assisted door will open.
There is a ramp to the left as you enter the building, or steps straight ahead of you, to move on up into the narthex.

The narthex and other areas
Once you enter the narthex, the sanctuary is ahead and to the right. There are bathrooms on the basement level, which can be reached via the stairs or elevator on the left (Southside) of the narthex.
Please feel free to grab one of our visitor bags from the welcome table, available for both adults and children!

The sanctuary
Seating is normally arranged in rows facing the altar. (They may be arranged facing in a circle or one of the other walls if you visit during Lent!). In the seatpocket of the chair in front of you, you will find a hymnal for the traditional services, an envelope for offering, and a small blue bookmark-like card that you can fill in and drop into the box in the narthex, or you can scan the QR code and share your details electronically, if you’d like to remain in contact and receive the weekly newslettter.

Worship service
Our normal schedule includes two services each Sunday morning; a traditional and a contemporary. One service each week is live-streamed on Zoom, with the recordings available on YouTube (Link Here); this would be a great way to get a feel for our services so that you know what to expect before coming to join us in person.
Our offering plate sits at the back of the sanctuary, so the congregation can drop into the plate as they come into worship. We also accept online offerings.
We have open table communion at St Andrew; all are welcome to receive, or if you’d prefer, come up for a blessing from the Pastor. Ushers will guide each row to walk up the center aisle for communion. The Pastor will offer bread/wafer, and a lay communion assistant will offer a small cup of wine or juice. There are baskets at the end of each front row to collect the empty cups.

Sunday School
Our Sunday School takes place during the contemporary service, with the children leaving the sanctuary after the Children’s Message, and returning around the same time as Communion. Sunday School classes are in the basement level of the building, with various activities each week for different age groups.

After Worship
We’re Lutherans, so there are always some tasty treats in the narthex to enjoy with a coffee and fellowship. And we need no excuse for some seasonal fellowship too; Lenten soup suppers, Chilli cook-offs, fresh produce from the church gardens, you name it!