Please join us in person for worship each Sunday!

SUMMER/MATERNITY WORSHIP SCHEDULE: Single 9:30am Service until Advent when Pastor Jenna returns from maternity leave

Our normal Sunday schedule is as follows:

8:30 am Traditional Service Worship

10:45 am Contemporary Service Worship

11-11:30 am Christian education (Sunday school, adult ed)

If you would prefer to still worship virtually, or are unable to join us in person, we will alternate a livestream of the services via Zoom. The Zoom information is available in our weekly e-blast. To be added to church communications, please contact the church office via phone or email (

The Zoom webinar is recorded and posted to YouTube each week. If you subscribe to our YouTube channel (, your YouTube homepage will also then have the latest St. Andrew worship service ready to go for you!

Recent services:

With One Voice: Sunday, September 29th


Traditional: Sunday, October 13th


Contemporary: Sunday, October 20th


Participating in the Zoom livestream worship with SALC requires registration. Fortunately, we’ve made registering easy and not only that, you only have to register once to attend any regular service. 

Click here to register now!

Please note: registration is per household device logging into the Zoom meeting, not the number of people attending.



What is Zoom and how do I use it?

If you are struggling with all this Zoom language, and looking for some guidance on how to even access Zoom invitations, this is a very helpful guide to folks of all ages. 

Can I join via phone?

Yes! To worship using audio only, please call (312) 626-6799 and follow the menu. Webinar ID: 889 5131 3408

Communion during live virtual worship

We will be celebrating the Eucharist during our in-person worship each week. We affirm that God is at work in the consecration of the elements. If you are worshiping from home, you will need to have ready:

Bread: when Jesus broke the bread and said “my body, given for you”, he used the bread that would have been present at most meals in the ancient world. You are invited to use the bread, crackers, or even tortillas that your family regularly uses at mealtime. Please do not use chips or cookies.

Wine: we will be using red wine at the altar in the sanctuary, and invite you to use a red table wine, or a pure grape juice. Please do not use soda/pop, milk, or other beverages. If you do not have wine or juice, the bread is enough! That’s called Communion In One Kind, and is a common practice for many communities.



Aren’t ready for in-person worship? Unable to join us every Sunday? No sweat – we’ve got you covered. All services are recorded and posted on the SALC YouTube channel. The latest video will appear to the right as they become available.