Ministries Mission & Responsibilities

Know, Grow, Serve and Witness

Our Mission as a congregation is to Share Christ. More specifically, it is to help people come to know Christ, to grow in their relationship with Christ and his Church, and to be equipped to serve and witness in Christ’s name.

We do this through the ministries of the Church and through the volunteer efforts of the congregation. There are many volunteer positions available and each committee is open to those who feel there is a place for their specific talents and gifts. In addition, there are many tasks that need to be performed to support the ministries such as working on the grounds, landscape, painting and repairs.
Every member is urged to take an active role in working together in support of our church home.

Oversees the financial affairs of the congregation. They assure transactions are recorded and that reports are prepared for both the individual giver, monthly and annual financial reports. They prepare annual budgets, disperse funds in a timely manner, establish sound financial processes, and manage expenses and investments.

Staff Support:
Recommends qualified candidates for hiring. Duties include developing and maintaining (with help from the appropriate committee) job descriptions and duties for all paid staff, advertising for and securing candidates for all church staff except pastors, referring qualified candidates to appropriate committees for selection, formulating compensation guidelines, and recommending to council (along with the appropriate committee) hiring of selected individuals. Outlines short and long term staffing needs, monitors working conditions, compensates staff, and conducts staff evaluations and merit increase reviews.

Worship & Music:
Plans, coordinates, oversees, enhances, steers and sets new directions for the worship experience of the congregation. Coordinates and facilitates the various ministries involved in Worship and Music such as altar guild, lay readers, assisting ministers, ushers, greeters, choirs, nursery staff, cantors, and organist. Coordinates ecumenical worship with other congregations. Oversees the maintenance of the Church’s musical instruments.

Social Ministry Team:
This team seeks to make St. Andrew’s congregation a resource for those individuals and groups, either within the parish family or the wider reaches of Mundelein, Lake County, the state, nation and world who are in need of aid for body and soul.
They serve educators for the parish regarding individuals and groups who are identified as needing assistance. They serve as communicators, facilitators, and coordinators of both needs and opportunities for response, such that the congregation may reach out with compassion and aid whenever and wherever possible. They act as liaison to the congregation for ELCA sponsored social ministry programs as well as act as representatives of the congregation to community based programs that serve the needy, the aged, orphaned, underprivileged, homeless, and oppressed. They seek to learn about and educate the congregation regarding the social statements of the ELCA, and work to bring the healing of Christ to all people.

This team keeps account of memorial designated funds and directs the funds use in accordance with the St. Andrew’s and the donor’s wishes. They assure that memorials are dispersed in an appropriate way so as to not impact the congregational image or facilities in a damaging way. They work with all the other committees to assist in aligning the use of memorials in-line with committee initiatives where appropriate.
(See Memorial Team Annual Report 2008)

This team is responsible for the Church facility: both grounds and structure. They assure building safety, walkways and structure; oversee repairs and maintenance, assure proper fire and handicap facilities, and arrange for snow removal and lawn care. They supervise building projects, maintain custodial services, door security systems, and the church sign.

This team promotes the expression of Christian faith in daily living. They teach the Christian use of money through the congregation for local, national, and worldwide ministries. They motivate members to higher levels of proportionate giving for the Lord’s work and provide that all members have appropriate opportunities to support the service (time and talent) and financial needs of the congregation. They provide education and programs to assure that the church receives the resources necessary to carry on its ministry.

This team is to love and care for the youth of the congregation. Encourage the development of leadership skills in the youth. Administer programs for the Junior and Senior High youth groups, encourage youth involvement in the life of the congregation, work with the scouting organization and supervise Christmas tree sales with the scouts.

Christian Education:
This team plans and implements a variety of educational experiences for ages three through adult, nurturing them in their Christian faith and encouraging spiritual growth. Christian Education enables us to witness to the world with confidence. It is the well spring from which comes an understanding of social ministry, evangelism, stewardship and all other activities of the Church.

Parish Life:
This team is involved in activities that promote well-being of the congregation. These include developing health programs and resources to bring wholeness in Christ’s name. Activities involved with physical and emotional aspects include organizing health forums on breast cancer awareness, marriage encounter opportunities, blood pressure screenings, child care for “mother’s night out”, and making church space available for support groups such as A.A. Activities that foster Christian hospitality toward guests and congregational members include potlucks, picnics, sponsorship of between-service coffee and snacks, Mardi Gras/Shrove Tuesday pancake suppers and others.

The Evangelizing team shall strive to create an evangelizing church culture that will transform the congregation from the inside out. They seek to nurture our relationship to one another and encourage all members to participate in welcoming visitors, fostering hospitality and reaching out to lapsing members.
They provide a visitation to all those who show an interest in our congregation, and assist in the assimilation of new members, equipping them to serve and witness in Christ’s name. In conjunction with the Communication Team, they see to the production of information that presents the active ministries and worship opportunities of St. Andrew.

This team shall see that there is appropriate and adequate communication within the congregation about things that concern us internally; and appropriate and adequate communication between the parish and the community regarding things of mutual concern to both.

They oversee the production of the newsletter, posters and displays, special mailings and announcements; maintain a bulletin board of announcements, opportunities and services needed; care for the changing of the church signs; and relate appropriate information of congregational happenings and events to the media. In conjunction with the Evangelism Team they see to the production of information that presents the ministries of worship opportunities of St. Andrew.