Our response to worshiping during this unprecidented time has been made with love and concern for everyone in our congregation. We will worship remotely until we can discern that the environment is safe to reconvene.

During this unprecidented time, our doors remain open and we remain committed to providing a safe environment in our building. Please read on for our loving response to the pandemic, information about being in the building, and links for more information.

A Loving Response

Video coming soon

Entering the Building

The church building is open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

. Updated Covid Safety Policy: Our church Council has approved a protocol for Covid safety. The current Lake County positivity is 2.6% and 11.2 cases per 100,000; so masks are optional for all church events.

St. Andrew Covid Protocol:

– To follow the State and IDPH guidelines for safety recommendations 

– Should the Covid infection rate for Lake County reach 10% positivity, to reinstate masking while indoors

– Should the Covid infection rate for Lake County reach 20% positivity, to move church events to a temporarily virtual format

Masks are optional but recommended, please maintain a safe social distance from everyone else while you are in the building. Thank you for helping to keep all God’s children safe.

Please see the following links for more information on worshiping safely during this pandemic.

Guidance for Places of Worship and Providers of Religious Services

Metropolitan Chicago Synod ELCA Resources